Online and in person.It’s easy to feel stuck in harmful behaviours around food because they often are created in childhood. Eating disorders can start for a variety of reasons, from our beliefs to our family dynamics around food, emotional dysregulation, trauma, etc. While binge eating or acting out negative patterns around food provides instant relief, it is almost always followed by longer bouts of guilt and shame.
Hunger is a powerful force that often overrides conscious control. However, working with a therapist can free you from the chains of disordered eating so you can walk towards a new way of life. I offer talk therapy and hypnotherapy for binge eating disorder and other food issues, and in my years of experience, I’ve seen incredible transformations in my clients.
If you find yourself in the act of passing judgments on foods and start to feel guilty and shameful when you eat them, maybe you have attached moral value to them, seeing them as ‘Bad’ or ‘Good’. Try and replace those emotionally charged words that have a negative impact on your thoughts, behavior, and feelings and also your body. Let’s focus our attention on more neutral objective language.
I offer a bespoke 1:1 recovery program for people who cant stop emotionally or habitually eating, binge eating, and bulimi, night time cravings, or/and are struggling with their weight as a result!
These sessions will look at the root causes and reasons for why you are stuck and struggle to untie the food knot without making it tighter as a result! By using different techniques we can loosen and free you of these issues to enable healing, peace, and contentment.
Saint Leonards-on-seaPhone Number
07450 266970Other Page's connect and start your journey towards a better future! Fill out the contact form, and I'll be in touch with you soon to schedule your session. Together, we can transform your life and overcome the challenges that are holding you back.